Bake It Pretty Contest!
Hey Guys!
Just a quick little note about a couple of fun contests for all you pretty bakers out there.
A couple months ago I found out about Bake It Pretty through Walking the Vegan Line and I fell instantly in love. They have a little of everything to dress up your baked beauties to really make them shine. So check them out and check out My Aim Is True and Fresh Vintage for contests to win a $25 gift certificate to get you started. I know I wouldn't have any trouble spending $25 and then some there.
I think I'll go for the frog mold. Just too neato!
Of course you know how awesome I think Bake It Pretty is. Love those frog molds! Thanks for the heads up about the contests!
Those are just vegan chocolate frogs waiting to happen!
Mmmm vegan chocolate frogs . . . . that's what I'm talking about.
Frogs that vegans will eat LOL! I'll have to check out those contests.
Oh, I need to find a frog mold like this myself! My mom loves frogs, so she would flip if I could give her frog-shaped chocolates or candies... :)
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