Hi! I'm Mac.
I'm cute and sometimes cuddly but I like to make sure I'm always a little bit of a butt pain.
That's what my people say anyway.
I'm cute and sometimes cuddly but I like to make sure I'm always a little bit of a butt pain.
That's what my people say anyway.

But I have a hankering for a special treat.
Nooch, nooch, I love you nooch but where oh where are you.
Ok it wasn't an ode so much as Mac begging for some nooch.
Nutritional yeast (fondly known as nooch to some in the vegan community) is a deactivated yeast used as a nutritional suppliment and a delicious cooking ingredient. You can find it in health food stores, co-ops and well stocked supermarkets in powder and flake form. I buy mine in the bulk section but it can be found prepackaged too.
Nooch has a kinda cheesy taste but not really. It's one of those things you either love or hate. I love it. It makes appearances frequently on mac & cheese, popcorn, spaghetti, toast, need I go on.
Miss parmasan cheese?
Whir some nutritional yeast and walnuts in a food processor until mixture turns to small crumbles like parmasan sprinkly cheese.
i heart the nooch!! i've never actually heard it called that before, but i love it and that is now it's new name. haha!
i have a cheezy sauce recipe i make for mac and cheese and nachos and i even use it on pizza...okay, pretty much like you. i think the bulk bin smells like cheetos when you open it and i think it tastes like smoky cheddar.
my birds dig it too. i either give them a little mac and cheese or i sprinkle it on their salad a couple of times a week. it's like bird crack...kitty crack too. :)
Mac is adorable! He reminds me of Tigger, who loves nooch just as much.
I love nutritional yeast so much. I can't even imagine life without it! Mac is adorable---cats have a duty to be stinkers, you know. :o)
i love nooch to and actually just recently seeing it....
it is so sad we were not brought together sooner...but now i just have to make up for lost time...
nooch ♥!!!!
i was iffy about nooch when i first became vegan, but now I crave it. love it, love it!
I love the nooch! But, I think I love the cute kitty pictures even more!
I love nooch and so does my cat Pumpkin!
i can't figure out if our dog vee is into it. i used to sprinkle it in his food mixed with lentils, but he sorta got bored with it. i'll try again. me on the other hand, i'm a big fan too. i like the flakes!
i so love nooch! in fact, i've been planning since i woke up this morning to have noochy popcorn as my afternoon snack. i've never tried it on my kitties...maybe i should! but i don't wanna share, haha..
yeah I discovered Mac liked the nooch when he stole the bulk bag of it right out of the shopping. He always checked the grocery bags for something he might like.
i just made some fantastic sauce with just canned tomato sauce and nooch.
mac is such a cutie!
I heart nooch. On anything. On everything!
Cutest nooch search photojournal ever! I haven't found out if my cats like it...I'm sure the kitten would; she eats everything.
My kitty that died last year was a nooch freak. I thought she was just special, but I guess lots of cats like it!
I love it on toast, too. With EB.
Mac is adorable.And soooo cute for liking Nooch.
I love me some nooch, too. I tried the other day to give it to my cat, but she wanted nothing - and I mean nothing - to do with it. Sad times.
I'm planning on making some noochy parmesan tonight.
I, too, have a sick, obsessive passion for nooch...anytime, anywhere, on anything. Lucy ad Cooper (dog & cat, respectively) both love it, too: the critters know what's up!
aw, cute kitty! looks like my neighbor's cat, who is often waiting on my porch for me when i get home.
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